Monday, August 3, 2009


I have sincerely had it!!! I've been working for this language camp for the past 4 years and so this is where I draw the line! I'm the oldest member (age-wise) at this particuar location and yet I currently found out this afternoon that I was used as the scape goat for a lot of the reasons why the office at this camp doesn't function properly.

Forgive me if I'm wrong but when you put a 19 year old pregnant girl at the front desk with potty mouth that is worse than a drunken sailor on your staff; a bunch of incompetent (but cute and dainty looking) ditz as your senior counsellors; and a 24 year old camp director who is frail and cries whenever things don't go her you REALLY expect me to sit around and do NOTHING about it?!...

Am I really that wrong to step up to the plate and take student's temperatures when they are sick; administer medication when they need it; call homestay parents when they need direct instructions on how to take care of the student at home WHILE still catering to my own duties as the director of studies by visiting classrooms when they are in session; keeping in touch with head office in Vancouver; printing off weekly reports and certificates for students graduating from the program that particular week; timetabling teacher's schedules; payroll etc...

Is it my fault that the students have a great rapport with me and come to me FIRST rather than anyone else when they are sick, feeling homesick, wanting to vent etc...
EXCUSE ME for stepping in to help out when the 19 year old and half the senior staff are on the office computers facebooking or msning...rather than make a student wait for help I drop what I am doing and lend a hand.

Apparently this is a downfall as the senior members in the office decided to tell head office that the reason why the office doesn't work is because I overstep my boundaries and that the office would function much more smoothly if I had my own office upstairs by the classrooms. EXCUSE ME?!...didn't I suggest that at the beginning but was only told that I couldn't because of cut backs?!...

Don't give me your freakin lame excuses for WHY you're being called out on by head office for not doing YOUR work...and don't use me as a freakin scape goat because you don't want to be blamed for not doing YOUR job!!

I'm here NOT for you, NOT for the business but for my students...and if they need something and you are fiddling on the computer you damn well know I'm doing to step in.

So you think you can do without think you can find a director of studies who can step in and lend a hand when NOT having been asked. Well go find that director because I QUIT!! Effective at midnight today I step down from my position. YOU find someone who can deal with all the crap you throw my way...look to hire two new teachers to teach for the remainder of the summer; oh and not to mention payroll needs to be sent in to head office by the end of this week; The U.A.E need to have their questionaires completed and sent to Vancouver in two days and their weekly reports must be signed, sealed and delievered to head office by Monday...Go screw yourself!!! I'M DONE!!!

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