Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Thought for the day--Hold your own!!

For the past 3 days I have been going through a rough patch of emotional abuse brought upon myself I'm sure...but triggered by individuals whom I thought were genuinely good and trustworthy people in my life. I am now learning that there is a wolf hiding under sheepskin, even in the most trustworthy person you know.

I've learned that just because you treat people the way you want them to treat you...doesn't necessarily mean that they want to be treated the same way you them--perhaps ideally they want to be treated a different way (which produces conflict and distress).

Through these rough times I have been so lucky to hear from such supportive individuals who support me for being who I am---and nothing less. (Thank you especially to Gina, Larissa, Christine, Monica, Marina, Tatiana and Margot from Australia)

I will not lose hope that there are genuinely good people out there who think or feel the same way I do--it many not be EXACTLY the way I feel about love, life and relationships but they certainly don't judge me, ridicule me or chastise me for the metamorphasis journey I have been on since returning back from living in Australia and Asia. They have accepted the changes within me and dealt with all my bad and good times. I have found that the last 5 years of my life have been quite challenging. I wasn't sure about myself...about the changes I have made mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. However, I know that I am making them for a reason...I am crossing paths with people who will like and dislike me--and thats is what you make it and I choose to live the rest of my life making decisions and choosing paths that are right for me.

In the meantime, I find myself resorting to 'tangible hope'---I hold on to positive messages from family and friends as well as listening to restorative hopeful songs to inspire myself on this journey. One of these songs in particular I wanted to share with all my readers. It's uplifting and inspiring. Please take the time to read and listen to the lyrics. This song may send you a different message than it did me, but I hope you enjoy it!

Its called 'Details in the fabric' by Jason Mraz (Thank you Moniboo for introducing this song to me)---you are one of my most uplifting family members ever! xoxo

Most importantly I'd like to take this opportunity to count my blessings and thank all my wonderful supporters. I love you all!


Sara Elizabeth said...

Boy can I relate to this post. I am glad you have support while going through this crap time.
I am hopping over from the Blog-A-Thon. I am trying to hit everyone this weekend (I have a lot of hopping to do). *hehe*

Have a wonderful and safe three day weekend!

(I am #117, #118, and #119)

Larissa said...

"HUG" your very welcome. I have gone through ups and downs and when i am down the last thing i need is for people to not be there and be a friend.

Unknown said...

Hey girl
You are so right on the money there....Our life is exactly what we make it and our feelings are also exactly what we allow them to be.

Life is meant to be what it is....offering its challnegs each step of the way.
Some horribly hard and others not is what makes us who we are in the end of the day:)

this is a time to look around and pull out all the little things that are good and appreciate them.


Anonymous said...

Be strong. It will be all fine in the end.

Karim - Positive thinking